They wove in their homes, in the light and shade of a small room, through long winter nights. Tireless, generous, creative. Custodians of a skill learned from their mothers and grandmothers. The Sardinian weavers, bent over their looms, weaving threads and colours into beautiful tapestries. It is thanks to them that an art which has become the heritage of an entire island has been preserved and passed down. Our Telai (looms) series of scarves is dedicated to these women.

Oj’est sa die prus bella ca su Segnore nos at muttiu…
(Today is the most beautiful day because the Lord has called us.)
"S’aneddu" - one of the most famous Sardinian wedding songs - opens with these words. In the Sardinia of the past, that momentous day was thought of from when the child was an infant in swaddling clothes. Grandmothers would crochet the bedspread for the wedding night. Growing up, girls learned the art of weaving, embroidering and sewing for the sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths and towels that would make up their trousseau. A precious treasure that was kept inside a large wooden chest. This piece of furniture was to be found in every house, made of chestnut or walnut wood and artfully engraved by craftsmen with peacocks, trees and flowers.
Sa Sposa (the bride) takes its name from this tradition.

The white, black and red of the costumes.
Proud dancers holding hands.
A circle that rotates to the notes of an accordion.
And then the couples who take turns to break off for their individual performances.
Su ballu tundu is the traditional Sardinian dance that accompanies joyful celebrations.
Crosses and hooks, as well as animals, flowers, plants, or religious symbols such as the Mother Goddess are the subjects of Sardinian textile art. Masterpieces of weft and warp originating from the pre-Nuragic and Nuragic eras. It was the women who took care of this, among their many household chores. Their skilled hands generated both items intended for daily use, such as blankets and tablecloths, but also more artistic works such as tapestries and rugs. The scarves of this series are inspired by this tradition.
There is a girl who loves to draw.
She is inspired by her land, by the mosaic flooring of Pompeii and Neapolitan playing cards. She transfers her sketches to her Mac and reworks them, blending tradition and innovation.
Her heart takes her to Sardinia, and the motifs of the Sardinian tapestries feed her creativity. And, over time, an idea takes shape: her sketches are transformed into scarves. Silk becomes the canvas for her drawings and, closing her eyes, she imagines the day she will be able to wear them. She constructs, deconstructs and adjusts, but is never satisfied: there is still something missing, her idea can still be improved. The years pass and the scarves remain in their secret treasure chest along with her unfulfilled dream.
They seem to have been left behind when, one evening, she decides to show them to a friend. And, with her help, finally their beauty sees the light of day and the Essere project is born.